2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P)
2.19 [According Google Index] |SJIF : 5.713 | PIF : 4.361
IJETR invites research paper from various engineering disciplines for Vol. 14 Issue 2 (July-December 2024) issue.
We have started accepting articles by online means directly through website. Its our humble request to all the researchers to use author login panel for article submission.
July-December 2024 Volume 14 Issue 2 has been successfully launched.
For more updation of research, please like and visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Engineering-Research-Publication-213476055461610/
ISSN : 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P) Impact Factor : 2.19 [According Google C. Report] |SJIF : 5.713 | PIF : 4.361
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If you feel any difficulty in paper Submission, Please email your paper as attached file in MS Word format to editor@erpublication.org OR editor.erpublication@gmail.com
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